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Dental Implants Portland OR

We’re Portland’s Choice for Non-Metal, Ceramic Dental Implants

Dental Implants Portland Or

At Brio Dental, we understand that a missing tooth can take a toll on your confidence and oral health. Dental implants are a solution that offers a complete and beautiful smile. Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to helping you regain the confidence to eat, speak, and smile without reservation. Unlike removable dentures or veneers, implants are securely anchored in your jaw bone, providing stability and mimicking the appearance of natural teeth. They also play a crucial role in preserving jaw bone health by stimulating it and preventing further deterioration. Dental implants are versatile, whether you need to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth, and they can even support dental bridges. At Brio Dental, we create personalized treatment plans to meet your specific needs, ensuring a seamless and confident smile restoration that gives you healthy teeth and renewed overall body health.

Dental Implant Systems for a Permanent Solution

At Brio Dental, we understand the significance of comprehensively addressing dental issues to ensure oral health and confidence. While dental crowns are a versatile treatment option for restoring and protecting existing teeth, we also offer ceramic, metal-free systems that go beyond conventional restorative approaches.

Whether you need a single implant or multiple, the systems are the same. Dental implant systems consist of a body, an abutment and may include an abutment fixation screw when needed. The implant body serves as a replacement for the tooth’s root and is surgically inserted into the jawbone. Connected to this implant body, the dental implant abutment extends through the gums into the mouth, providing the foundation for attaching artificial teeth such as porcelain or ceramic crowns. This innovative solution offers not only the strength and functionality of dental crowns but also the long-term stability and appearance of dental implants. With advanced training, our commitment to quality and precision ensures that whether you choose dental crowns or implant systems, you can trust us to provide you with the best dental restorations and guide you through the dental implant process one step at a time.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a reliable solution we offer to bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Our custom-designed bridges consist of artificial teeth anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants, restoring both your smile’s look and feel. Dental bridges can provide a durable and natural-looking solution if you’re dealing with gaps in your smile due to tooth loss. We take pride in crafting bridges that blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, ensuring a harmonious appearance and the ability to eat, speak, and smile with ease. With Brio’s expertise and commitment to excellence, you can trust us to deliver high-quality dental bridges that help you reclaim a complete and beautiful smile.

Our Holistic Approach to Dentistry

Dental Implants Near Me Portland Or

At Brio Dental, we provide dental implant solutions prioritizing oral health and overall well-being. Our holistic approach embraces the use of other materials, such as zirconia or ceramic, for dental implants. These materials are carefully selected to reduce the risk of potential complications and promote compatibility with your body. Additionally, we maintain a mercury-free dental office, recognizing the potential health concerns associated with exposure to mercury. With our commitment to patient-centered care and biocompatible materials, you can trust us to deliver dental implant solutions that restore your smile and prioritize your long-term health and safety. From initial consultation to final restoration, our well-being is our top priority at Brio Dental, where we blend advanced dentistry with a holistic approach to provide you with the highest level of comprehensive care.

Stop Searching For Dental Implants Near Me, Call Us

Our oral surgeon team is dedicated and here to assess your unique cosmetic dental needs and goals, guiding you through the process with expertise and care. With dental implants from Brio Dental, you can reclaim the joy of a complete smile that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth. Let us be your partner in your journey to renewed dental health and confidence. When you’re ready to restore your smile and regain your confidence, call or contact Brio Dental to schedule your consultation appointment.

What are dental implants, and how do they work?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials like titanium or ceramic. They are surgically placed into the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth (crowns, bridges, or dentures). Over time, the implant fuses with the bone through a process called osseointegration, creating a strong and durable anchor for the prosthetic tooth.
Are dental implants a suitable option for everyone?
Dental implants are a viable option for many people, but not everyone. To be a good candidate, you should have adequate jawbone density, healthy gums, and good overall health. If you lack sufficient bone, bone grafting may be necessary to build up the bone. Additionally, certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors like smoking may affect your eligibility for dental implants.
How long do dental implants last?
With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, are essential for their longevity. It’s also important to avoid habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can negatively impact implant success.
Is the dental implant placement procedure painful?
During the dental implant placement surgery, local anesthesia is used to numb the area, ensuring that you won’t feel pain. Some discomfort and swelling may occur after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. Most patients find the discomfort to be manageable and temporary.
What is the cost of dental implants, and is it covered by insurance?
The cost of dental implants can vary widely depending on factors such as the number of implants needed, the type of restoration used, and the geographic location of the dental clinic. Dental implants are often considered a cosmetic procedure, and as such, they may not be fully covered by dental insurance. However, some dental plans may offer partial coverage for implant-related expenses. It’s essential to check with your dentist and insurance provider to understand your specific coverage and costs.